
Troop boxes

Each year our Radical Hospitality-Outreach team organizes an effort to send comfort items to some of our troops serving overseas. Through generous donations, the postage is paid for, and the boxes contain such items as razors, toothbrushes, magazines, gum, candy, and so on.

Christmas for local families

Every December the Radical Hospitality-Outreach team receives information about a local family who may be struggling through the holidays. Church members are given the opportunity to purchase a gift for someone in these families, Christmas presents which are delivered several days before Christmas. The families also receive enough groceries to create a hearty and healthy holiday meal.

Health kits

The Radical Hospitality-Outreach team frequently organizes efforts to provide health kits, hygiene kits, or cleaning kits to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). These kits contain various items, such as soap, towels, toothbrushes, combs, band-aids, and cleaning supplies. Through UMCOR, the kits are distributed any where in the world when there is a natural disaster, such as floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, or forest fires.

Food pantry

Ansonia United Methodist Church (UMC) houses the Ansonia Community Food Pantry. A cooperative effort between Ansonia UMC, Ansonia First Church of God, and the St. Henry Cluster in Burkettsville the pantry provides free food and grocery vouchers for those in need in Darke County. Those wishing to receive such assistance should contact the pantry to set up an appointment.

Others – Birthday Bash, Sausage Sandwich Sale, Pancake breakfast

Ansonia UMC has a variety of events throughout the year to connect our church members with one another, and to connect the church with the people in our community. Not every event is held each year although most of them have become annual traditions. We have hosted a Birthday Bash to help people celebrate their birthday the year Covid put a damper on gatherings. We have had barbecue chicken dinners for sale to make Mother’s Day a little easier. We have sold grilled whole hog sausage sandwiches on an Eldora race day. The men’s group hosts a pancake breakfast every fall.

Church picnic

Every September Ansonia UMC holds a church picnic. Taking advantage of the picnic shelter facility offered by the Ansonia First Church of God, we gather after our worship time on a Sunday in autumn and enjoy hamburgers, hotdogs, side dishes, and desserts, as well as games and conversation.