Children's Ministries

Kids Club

The Faith-Forming Relations (FFR) team offers a one-hour learning experience every Wednesday night from mid-September to March. Kids Club is a fun time of music, crafts, and games all while learning about God’s kingdom. Kids Club is geared toward kids in Pre-school through sixth grade and begins at 6:30 pm on Wednesday nights.


Ansonia UMC offers a four-day vacation Bible school (VBS) every summer. Usually the third week in June, VBS is held Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to Noon. We host kids Pre-school through Fifth grade in an exciting time of learning about God’s love through songs, dance, crafts, games, videos, and dramatic storytelling following the theme of the week. The Sunday after VBS everyone is invited back to our 10:30 am service as we celebrate what we learned and did over the week.